Thursday, January 24, 2008

Assignment 7

The i chose to read the story by Benjamin Wadsworth. I learned that the families back during 1712 were to be happy families. In these families they had to communicate, and take care of each other. If one person got sick the whole family was supposeed to help them get better and if one perosn was having problems then the whole family had to sit and listen, and give their word on what they thought about the problem or what would be the best way for them to solve the problem. But in these families the husband and wife had to be for each other they had to be able to bring one another happiness not just money. The families from the 1712 and the families of 2008 are TOTAL OPPOSITES. Families nowadays mostly get married because the spouse has a wealthy family, or the spose is a wealthy person themselves, so they marry for money and not for love and then they divorce because either the spouse is going broke or because they realize that they have nothing in common. I think that families now should be like families from the 1712's.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Your argument is passionate and detailed, but I can't say that I agree. I do agree that people divorce too quickly these days, but I sure wouldn't want to be a wife living during the colonial times. They had no rights.

Missing the part about what surprised you the most about what you read.

Good post overall. Some small errors. As is you earned 23/30 points.